Poker Ingilizcede Ne Demek
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i. poker, ocak demiri, ateş demiri
n. poker
n. poker, type of card game
n. poker
v. мішати кочергою, випалювати на дереві
ww. versieren met brandmerk
v. आग-कुरेदनी से काम करना
v. đánh bài phé
A metal rod, generally of wrought iron, for adjusting the burning logs or coals in a fire; a firestick All the four cards of the same rank One who pokes Any of various card games in which, following each of one or more rounds of dealing or revealing the cards, the players in sequence make tactical bets or drop out, the bets forming a pool to be taken either by the sole remaining player or, after all rounds and bets have been completed, by those remaining players who hold a superior hand according to a standard ranking of hand values for the game any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand 
{n}a kind of iron bar to stir a fire with Poker is a card game that people usually play in order to win money. Lon and I play in the same weekly poker game The poachard fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle; used to stir a fire Any imagined frightful object, especially one supposed to haunt the darkness; a bugbear A card game involving concealed hands, betting on those hands, and bluffing A game at cards derived from brag, and first played about 1835 in the Southwestern United States n A game said to be played with cards for some purpose to this lexicographer unknown A poker is a metal bar which you use to move coal or wood in a fire in order to make it burn better. Any of several card games in which a player bets that the value of his or her hand is greater than that of the hands held by others. Each subsequent player must either equal or raise the bet or drop out. The pot is eventually won by either the player showing the best hand when it comes to a showdown or the only player left when everyone else has dropped out, or 'folded.' In this case the winner need not show his hand and could conceivably have won the pot with a lower hand than any other at the table. It is for this reason that poker is described as a game of bluff. Two principal forms of the game have developed: straight poker, in which all cards of the standard five-card hand are dealt facedown; and stud poker, in which one or two cards are dealt facedown and the rest faceup (five-card) or the last card down (seven-card). In draw poker, cards may be discarded and additional cards drawn. The traditional ranking of hands is (1) straight flush (five cards of the same suit in sequence, the highest sequence ace, king, queen, jack, ten being called a royal flush), (2) four of a kind, (3) full house (three of a kind, plus a pair), (4) flush (five of a single suit), (5) straight (five in sequence), (6) three of a kind, (7) two pair, (8) one pair {i}shovel, poker; tool used to arrange hot coals; type of card game any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle; used to stir a fire That which pokes or is used in poking, especially a metal bar or rod used in stirring a fire of coals Poker isn't just a card game - it's many card games While no definition is going to satisfy everyone, the majority of poker games do share some common features, especially betting in rounds and the ranking of hands Poker is commonly played in cardrooms (often within casinos) and in private home games (illegally in many states) The games played in cardrooms seem to divide into stud games, draw games, and flop games In home games, however, anything goes, including games that seem to have no reason to be called poker The varieties played in home games probably number in the hundreds, or even the thousands Some common cardroom games include Texas Hold'em, Seven Card Stud, Omaha, Razz, Lowball, Pineapple, and Anaconda (Okay, just kidding about the anaconda ) A classic briar pipe shape, it is medium length, with a straight-sided bowl set at a right angle to the shank and the stem A poking-stick poker chip A disk-shiped counter that is used when gambling to represent money poker chips plural form of poker chip poker face An impassive facial expression cultivated to prevent other players from determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand, or of bluffing poker face Any similar expression used to prevent giving away one's motives, feelings, or situation poker faces plural form of poker face poker machine slot machine (for gambling) poker run A motorcycling event where each participant pays a fee, and then follows a course with checkpoints, at each of which a playing card is drawn. At the last checkpoint, the rider with the best poker hand is the winner. Typically poker runs end with a party, and the proceeds benefit a charity poker runs plural form of poker run poker-faced Wearing a poker face: studiously neutral; giving nothing awaypoker machine A slot machine (American English), fruit machine (British English), or poker machine (Australian English) is a certain type of casino game. Traditional slot machines are coin-operated machines with three or more reels, which spin when a lever on the side of the machine is pulled poker alumroot plant with leathery heart-shaped leaf blades clustered at base of long stalks with greenish-white flowers clustered along the upper part; western North America poker dice A game played with five dice in which the count is usually made, in order, by pairs, two pairs, three of a kind, full houses, four of a kind, and five of a kind (the highest throw), similar to poker; also, the dice used in this game, esp poker dice when marked with the ace, king, queen, jack, ten, and nine instead of the usual digits poker face A poker face is an expression on your face that shows none of your feelings. In business a poker face can be very useful She managed to keep a poker face poker face being cool-headed, facial expression which does not show any emotion poker face a face without any interpretable expression (as that of a good poker player) poker hand the 5 cards held in a game of poker poker plant clump-forming plant of South Africa with spikes of scarlet flowers poker-faced If you are poker-faced, you have a calm expression on your face which shows none of your thoughts or feelings. His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank The officer listened, poker-faced. showing no expression on your face Indian poker A form of poker where each player sees all cards but his own commie poker A form of poker tournament where players start with the same number of chips. Several short games are played with chip totals being converted to points at the end of each game. At the beginning of each new game, chips are redistributed equally among the players. At the end of the tournament, the player with the most points wins. Variation: Top players play a final table for prize ranking with points converted back to chips and gambled according to standard poker rules draw poker A form of poker where players can trade in cards for new ones and their cards are not shown until the showdown. (In contrast to stud poker.) strip poker A variant of poker where the loser removes his/her clothes stud poker Any of several versions of poker in which some cards are dealt face-down and some face-up as stiff as a poker very stiff, rigid, unbending draw poker Poker in which each player is dealt five cards face down and may then discard and get replacements for a specified number of cards after the first round of betting nose poker nosy person, one who involves himself in other people's business, meddler pokers plural of poker red-hot poker widely cultivated hybrid poker plant sea poker The lyrie sea poker poacher: small slender fish (to 8 inches) with body covered by bony plates; chiefly of deeper northern Pacific waters straight poker Poker in which each player is dealt five cards face down, bets are made, and the showdown takes place without any new cards being drawn straight poker poker in which each player gets 5 cards face down and bets are made without drawing any further cards strip poker Poker in which the losing players in each hand must remove an article of clothing. a game of poker (=card game) in which players that lose must take off pieces of their clothing strip poker poker in which a player's losses are paid by removing an article of clothing stud poker Poker in which the first round of cards, and often the last, is dealt face down and the others face up stud poker stud: poker in which each player receives hole cards and the remainder are dealt face up; bets are placed after each card is dealt
» Örnek cümleler
- Poker is any of a number of card games in which players wager over which hand is best according to that specific game's rules in ways similar to these rankings.Often using a standard deck, poker games vary in deck configuration, the number of cards in play, the number dealt face up or face down, and the number shared by all players, but all have rules which involve one or more rounds of betting.
- Poker isn't just a card game - it's many card games While no definition is going to satisfy everyone, the majority of poker games do share some common features, especially betting in rounds and the ranking of hands Poker is commonly played in cardrooms (often within casinos) and in private home games (illegally in many states) The games played.
Fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle; used to stir a fire. Any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand., n A game said to be played with cards for some purpose to this lexicographer unknown.
n. poker, type of card gamen. poker
» Örnek cümleler
i. poker (n) » Örnek cümleler
n. Poker » Örnek cümleler
[le] poker » Örnek cümleler
[le] poker » Örnek cümleler
n. покер (M) » Örnek cümleler
n. Poker (Kartenspiel); Schüreisen, Schürstange » Örnek cümleler
n. poker » Örnek cümleler
n. shovel, poker; tool used to arrange hot coals; type of card game n. poker, type of card game
n. poker
» Örnek cümleler
n. tisonnier; ringard; fourgon; poker (jeu de carte); pointe métallique » Örnek cümleler
n. alat pengorek api, poker » Örnek cümleler
s. attizzatoio; pirografo; (Univ) mazza; mazziere » Örnek cümleler
n. pogrzebacz, berło {żart.}, poker » Örnek cümleler
s. pá, pá de ferro; ferramenta usada para organizar brazas; pôquer, tipo de jogo de carta » Örnek cümleler
n. pocher, vătrai » Örnek cümleler
с. кочерга, прибор для выжигания по дереву, покер » Örnek cümleler
s. póquer; atizador, hurgador, hurgón » Örnek cümleler
n. кочерга, манірний: манірна людина, покер, кутач v. мішати кочергою, випалювати на дереві
» Örnek cümleler
(m) n. poker » Örnek cümleler
n. poker » Örnek cümleler
n. poker, type of card game » Örnek cümleler
n. poker » Örnek cümleler
n. poker » Örnek cümleler
zn. pook, poker, stijve hark, pedel ww. versieren met brandmerk
» Örnek cümleler
ουσ. σκάλευθρο, πόκερ, τσιμπίδα » Örnek cümleler
n. poker » Örnek cümleler
n. poker (m) » Örnek cümleler
n. poker (m) » Örnek cümleler
n. покер (n) » Örnek cümleler
n. póker (m), póquer (m) » Örnek cümleler
n. poker » Örnek cümleler
(jeux - cartes) poker {invariable} » Örnek cümleler
(jeux - cartes) pôquer (m) » Örnek cümleler
n. покер (m) » Örnek cümleler
(jeux - cartes) póquer (m); póker (m) :max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/close-up-of-poker-player-s-hands-157418183-5c42653146e0fb00010f505c.jpg)
» Örnek cümleler
(giochi - carte) poker (m) » Örnek cümleler
(spelen - kaarten) poker (m) » Örnek cümleler
(jeux - cartes) poker (n) » Örnek cümleler
لعبة البوكر، قضيب تذكية النار، مذكي النار » Örnek cümleler
(名) 戳的人; 击球人; 拨火棒, 火钩, 火钳#扑克牌游戏 » Örnek cümleler
(名) 戳的人; 擊球人; 撥火棒, 火鉤, 火鉗#撲克牌遊戲 » Örnek cümleler
n. आग खोदने का सीकचा, आग-कुरेदनी, भूत, प्रेतात्मा, डरावना, काग-डरावना, एक प्रकार का ताश v. आग-कुरेदनी से काम करना
» Örnek cümleler
(名) 火かき棒; ポーカー » Örnek cümleler
명. 부지껭이; 삽, 쿡쿡 찌르는 것; 일종의 카드게임 » Örnek cümleler
n. đũa sắt, vật nhỏ dùng về thuật điêu khắc, một lối đánh bài của mỹ v. đánh bài phé
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[das]扑克牌游戏。 » Örnek cümleler
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Poker Ingilizcede Ne Demek Haber
Though he thought he had a perfect poker face, he had a number of tells his opponents soon learned.
John, in his most poker-faced manner, continued to explain the rules.