Gambling Stories From The Week

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Gambling harm isn’t just about losing money. It can affect how you feel.

The online gambling industry is in the midst of a huge boom, with an increasing number of operators moving into the sector over the past few years. Experts have predicted that annual revenues are likely to reach $60 billion by the end of 2020 and should continue to rise at a rapid rate over the coming years. Crazy gambling stories, plenty of people have them and they are always fun to hear. Like a right of passage, gamblers live to compare their tales of triumph and woe. With the news of Floyd Mayweather’s huge sports betting victory in Game 7 of the NBA Eastern Finals, ADANAI thought it would be fun to hunt down a few other outrageous gambling.

We know it can be hard but talking about it means you can start to feel better.

Here are some real life stories of people who opened up and talked about the harm they were experiencing and got the support they needed. Now they share their story with you.

Lachlan's story


“Once I started to open up to people, I was amazed with the amount of support I had.” – Lachlan describes how he was worried to tell people about his gambling because of their reactions but once he opened up he was amazed at the amount of support he got.

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Bayu's story

“I opened up to a friend about my gambling. The compassion and receptiveness she showed me ignited me to change.” Uni Student, Bayu, shares how talking helped him on the path to recovery.

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Mario's story

“I’m a lot happier. It was the best thing I ever did.” – Mario, eight years of not gambling on sport, now calls himself a proper tradie and business owner.

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Ken's story

“Find somebody you love, that you trust, and sit them down and tell them. I should’ve done it years ago.” Former Police Sergeant, Ken, describes how lucky he was to have a supportive family

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Lynda's story

“It was hard for me to tell him, but when I did, he was so supportive that it made it easy for me.” Lynda describes how supportive her eldest son was by holding her hand while she called Gambler’s Help.

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Lynda talks about her counselling experience

“The counsellors have your back and they made me feel worthy”. Lynda describes how seeing a counsellor helped keep her on track.

Gambling stories from the weeknd

Gambling Stories From The Weeknd

StoriesView video transcript

Anna's story

Gambling stories from the week 2019

'Having the support of others was essential and I wouldn’t have done it without them”. Anna lost 10 years of her life to the pokies and now shares her story of hope.

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Sunenna’s Story

“You’re not alone and help is available.” Sunenna says many people think their story is unique, but there are lots of people fighting similar battles.

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Chandana's story

Gambling Stories From The Week 2019

“You don’t need to keep it to yourself.” Chandana was shocked to find out about her partner’s gambling. She says that without the help of others, she could never have rebounded so quickly.

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Gambling Stories From The Week Old

Gambling harm podcast: Inspiring stories of hope and recovery

Gambling Stories From The Weekend

There are many ways to seek professional and anonymous help for your own, or your loved one's problems with gambling.

If you need immediate help, please call Gambler's Help on 1800 858 858 or Gambler's Help Youthline on 1800 262 376 (from within Australia only). This service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is free and confidential.