Cancer Zodiac Gambling

A few weeks ago, I went to the casino with my friend, Susan.
Cancer is one of four cardinal signs, meaning they are leaders of the zodiac. They approach everything they do with an unmatched enthusiasm and eagerness to get things moving. Cancer Zodiac Sign. Emotional, intuitive, and practically psychic; ruled by the moon and characterized by the crab, Cancer has so much going on in its watery depths. Cancers may seem prickly and standoffish at first meeting, once they make the decision to become friends with someone, that person has a friend for life.
We were playing a game of poker, and I got frustrated because she kept calling my bluff. I asked her how she always knew when I was bluffing because the rest of the players could not see throughmy poker face.
Jupiter, the planet of luck, hasn't been too helpful for Cancers the past two years. Now, Jupiter is in Capricorn until December 19th, 2020. This placement might help with relationships (and you bunch need that lately!) but it doesn't much help your sun in Cancer. Cancer's Luck Partners. Many games that we play involve working with a partner. For people born under Cancer, the best guarantee of good fortune in these games is to pick a partner with a complementary Horoscope sign. The complimentary signs for Cancer are: Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, or Capricorn. Cancer's Lucky Days; Your Birth Date. The Cancer personality is very interesting and has a lot to offer. If you, a loved one or a friend are Cancer you should know some interesting facts about the Cancer zodiac sign.
Her answer surprised me.

“You are a Pisces, so you are emotional. These guys don’t know you as well as I do, but I know how to recognize the little flickers of emotion that cross your face throughout each hand. I canread your first reaction to the cards before you force yourself to hide your expressions.”
Susan could tell that I was frustrated, so we finished our game, and she suggested that we play on the slot machines for a little while.
It gave me an opportunity to think through what Susan had said.
Once I calmed down, I realized that she was probably right about being able to recognize my “tells” better than strangers, but I was skeptical about her astrological explanation.
I have a hard time believing that the month and day that I was born has an effect on my gambling habits, so I asked Susan some more questions on the drive home that night.
Cancer Zodiac Gambling Signs
She predicted that I would be skeptical, but she also explained my thought process throughout the whole night so well.
I was shocked that she knew that the slot machines would help me get my emotions under control, and she also knew that I wouldn’t be content to leave until I had at least won back the money thatI had lost in poker.
After my conversation with Susan, I did some research to figure out some more about how astrology affects gambling trends.

I cannot say that I wholeheartedly believe everything about astrology that Susan does, but now I know more about how it works.
At the very least, I know enough never to play poker with Susan again!
Cancer Zodiac Bingo
Before I explain everything that I learned about each of the Zodiac signs, let me first give you a little bit of background information about astrology in general.