Beaver Lodge Poker Run
Boedie Cycles and the Montana Tap House present the first annual biker and hiker Poker Run in support of the Whitefish Trail! Come register at the Tap House and get 5 tickets for 5 Montana Craft Beers. Roll or stroll across town to five different restaurants and bars, and get a playing card while you drink a beer at each establishment. COEUR D’ALENE — Silver Angels for the Elderly is hosting its second Classic Car Poker Run at 2 p.m. Saturday, starting at the Hayden Eagles Lodge at 1600 W. SOUTH LAKE ELKS LODGE #1848. 649 12th Street. Clermont, FL 34711 (352) 989-4079. Monthly Calendar. Click on Menu to enlarge. Lighted Christmas Boat. Enjoy Food, Friends, and Fun on a Poker Run of Epic Proportions. Through the trails of Wyoming, gathering the best Poker Hand along the way, you'll enjoy C ash Prizes, Raffles and more all to fundraise for the Laramie Peak Fire Zone!
The Mercer Area Chamber of Commerce is aware of and actively monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic. The Mercer Area Chamber of Commerce is following recommendations consistent with public health guidance from the State of Wisconsin and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). At this time, we are proceeding with events as scheduled for 2021. We will continue to monitor the situation and communicate updates on this website as well as through the event websites and social media channels. Stay safe, everyone!
The local colville snowmobile club is having a poker run at the beaver lodge located 20 miles wast of colville wa. Prizes for the best hands with many many raffle prizes.'
The Annual Pumpkin Run ATV/UTV Rally is held in Mercer, Wisconsin and takes place on all Iron County ATV/UTV trails and routes. The purpose of our rally is for participants to take part in a poker run, making stops at different locations across all of the ATV/UTV Trails.
Registration is only $20. When registering, participants will pick up their Rally packet with an ATV/UTV Map and commemorative bandanna at the Mercer Chamber of Commerce. All registrants are required to sign an agreement and release waiver when they pick up their rally packet.

The $20 registration fee includes a choice of one of two Poker Run Sheets. Both sheets may be purchased for $30 per rider.
8am-6pm: Registration and Packet Pickup at both Mercer Area Chamber of Commerce and Hurley Chamber of Commerce
6pm-Midnight: Late Packet Pickup at the Great Northern in Mercer.
3pm-8pm: Poker Run
8am-2pm: Registration and Packet Pickup at Mercer Area Chamber of Commerce
2pm-6pm: Registration and Packet Pickup in Mercer at Chamber Booth at Liberty Way Tap House

6pm-Midnight: Late Packet Pickup at the Great Northern in Mercer.
Noon-8pm: Poker Run
2pm-6pm: ATV, UTV & Lawn Tractor Pull at Liberty Way Tap House, 2040 Saarnio Rd, Mercer
9am-1pm: Registration and Packet Pickup at Mercer Area Chamber of Commerce
Noon-8pm: Poker Run
4:00pm: Great Pumpkin Parade Line-Up begins at Mercer DNR Ranger Station
5pm: Great Pumpkin Parade through Downtown Mercer
5:30pm-Close: Wrap-up Party at Eunica's Beaver Lodge
Noon-6pm: Poker Run
This year’s Poker Run gives riders a choice of two sets of stops throughout Iron County, or choose to do both sets for an opportunity to increase your chances of drawing of winning hand. Pumpkin Run Rally registration includes one poker sheet (your choice). Riders must receive a stamp from all businesses on the sheet to be eligible to draw a poker hand. Extra cards may be earned through purchases and participation in the Great Pumpkin Parade.
Riders who complete their sheets may draw their cards at any time during the rally at the wrap-up location.
The Winning Hands will be announced Wednesday. Cash Prizes to the Top Five Hands.
Thank You to These Businesses for Participating in the 2020 Poker Run
- Alaska House
- Around the Corner Pub
- Beaver’s Resort
- Burgers Bar and Grill
- Carly’s Beer Barrel
- Dear Lodge
- Do Drop In
- Donner's Bay
- Eunica's Beaver Lodge
- Gateway Lodge & Resort
- Joany’s Sidekicks
- Liberty Way Tap House
- Lotter's Mercer BP
- Luoma's Saxon Pub
- North Pole Tavern
- Ruggers Landing
- Sunken Horse Saloon
- Whitecap Mountain Resort
- Willy’s Still
- Wolf’s Den Bar & Grill
- Yukon 51
Poker Run Hours: Participating businesses are required to be open to stamp sheets during these hours:
Thursday: 3pm-8pm, Friday: Noon-8pm, and Saturday: Noon-8 pm. Sunday hours are not required.
- $600.00 to Rocky Steffens, Pickerel, WI - Straight Flush 8 high, Clubs
- $400.00 to Tina Miller, Prairie Du Sac ,WI - Full House, Aces over Kings
- $150.00 to Mike Labath, Montgomery, IL - Full House, Aces over Jacks
- $150.00 to Scott Knudsen, Edgerton, WI - Full House, Kings over Fours
- $150.00 to Robert Vail, Waterford, WI - Full House, Tens over Queens
ATV, UTV & Lawn Tractor PullFri. Oct. 8th, 2pm @ Liberty Way Tap House
Test Your Skill Against the Z Force ATV Sled!
The Tuscobia Trails ATV Association is bringing their custom-built pull sled to Mercer.
ATVs, UTVs and Lawn Tractors will complete in separate divisions with multiple classes according to CC’s in each division. Winners will be awarded in each class to the driver pulling the farthest distance. Commemorative Pumpkin Run Mug presented to first place in each class, certificates awarded to second and third places. The cost is $10 for the first pull and $5 for a second try.
Liberty Way Tap House is in Mercer on the corner of Saarnio Road and Highway 51, off trail 17.
Register In-Person Day of the Pull

- ATV 2 Wheel Division - Richard Zeise, Milwaukee, WI
- ATV Unlimited Division - Eric Pulchinski, Mercer, WI and Jacek Dziaba, Chicago, IL
- UTV Unlimited Division - Jason Beuter, Mount Horeb, WI
- Tractor - Al Chalmers, Elkhorn, WI
Join the Fun and Line-Up for the Great Pumpkin Parade through Downtown Mercer
Line-Up begins at 4pm at the Mercer DNR Ranger Station parking lot at 5291 N State House Circle, Mercer. Riders are encouraged to decorate their vehicles and wear costumes in keeping with a Halloween theme. Prizes will be awarded. There is no cost to participate in the parade.
2020 Great Pumpkin Parade WinnersMike and Karla Labath, Montgomery, IL
Following the Parade
Location TBD
Don’t forget to buy your tickets at any of the businesses participating in the Poker Run or at the Mercer Area Chamber of Commerce. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Drawing will be at 3pm on October 23, 2020.
$700.00 to Nichole Nasi, Gile, WI
Beaver Lodge Poker Run 2020

Beaver Lodge Poker Run 2019
Mercer Chamber of Commerce
5150N Hwy 51
Mercer, WI 54547
Beaver Lodge Poker Run Schedule
Tel: 715-476-2389
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