Aqo Poker
In blackjack the casinos know that an expert will play perfect basic strategy and their edge is less than 0.5%. They could not stay in business if every player did that. But the casinos know that people are lazy. Very few bother to learn all of basic strategy and the casinos have a nice edge of about 4.0%. That is your edge too. Very few people will bother to learn the basics of poker. They just want to play and get lucky. If you work you can get an edge over them. In today's world of televised professional play a great many of the new stars practiced their skills online. Many won their entry fees to the big tournements by playing online.
Winning Breakdown for AQo: High Card 6,568,200 One Pair 20,185,176 Two Pair 8,788,056 Three of a Kind 1,864,248 Straight. AQo is far strong enough to 3-bet for value against a button open, so Player A will always 3-bet it. Player B would approach the spot differently. She will still try to extract value with AQo a large majority of the time–say 85%–but will also call the raise at some frequency–the remaining 15%. Winning Breakdown for AQo: High Card 0 One Pair 0 Two Pair 0 Three of a Kind 0 Straight 0 Flush 887,856 Full House 0 Four of a Kind 0 Straight Flush 5,208 Total: 893,064 More on AQo Detailed matchups. Winning Breakdown for AQo: High Card 0 One Pair 21,350,592 Two Pair 20,982,024 Three of a Kind 3,221,568 Straight 2,209,536. So we expect villain to bet with this range: QQ+,55,22,AQs,KQs,Q9s+,AQo,KQo That will be his ‘value’ hand range. A value range is the range of hands he will bet hoping that he is betting to build a big pot.
The first thing you need to do is download poker software from a reputable poker site. Of course any poker room shown on this site is reputable and recommended. They also allow you to play for 'FREE'. Unfortunately free games do not teach you to play winning poker. With no real money at risk people play recklessly. The value of free games is that you learn the software.
You need to learn the mechanics of buying in at a table, betting, calling, raising,folding etc. Go to the help screen for other features like chatting with other players, sitting out a hand without giving up your seat, automatic check/call or check/fold feature, automatic blinds or manual blinds, watch without playing, taking notes on other players, review your play history, review the play history of others etc.
Play the free games until your are comfortable with all the features
Pre-Flop Texas Hold'em requires three considerations:
If you can learn these principals you will have a big advantage and you should make money in most low level games.
Betting position is the first thing any professional considers. By this I mean where you sit in relation to where the betting starts. It changes every hand, rotating clockwise around the table.
If you are among the first three to bet, early position, you must have a strong hand. There are seven players to bet after you. There might be some big hands betting behind you and you must be careful.
Middle position gives you some information. You know if early players bet, then you should only play strong hands. If no one bets then you can play weaker hands.
Late position is best. You have a lot of information. If some players bet you need a strong hand. If no one bet you can play with a weaker hand.

Early Position Play Pre-Flop
Raise and reraise: AA, KK, QQ, JJ
Raise: AKs (means suited) AQs, AJs, AKo (means off suit) AQo, KQs
Call: TT, 99, 88, 77, KJs, QJs, JTs, ATs, A9s, KQo
Fold: Everything else
Middle Position Play Pre-Flop
Up to four callers played in front of you:
Raise: AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, 99, 88, AKs, AQs, AJs, ATs, KQs, KJs, QJs, AKo, AQo, AJo, ATo, KQo
CAll: 77, 66, 55, JTs, T9s, 98s, QTs, J9s, AXs (X means any card) KTs, K9s, K8s, KJo, QJo, JTo
Fold: Everything else
A raise in front of you:
Raise: AA, KK ,QQ, JJ, AKs, AQs, AKo, AQo
Call: TT, 99, KQs, QJs, KJs, AJs
Fold: Everything else
An aside: In the above rankings you might ask why is a QJs ranked higher than AJs? It is because it is easier to make a straight with QJ. Both sides are open. With an AJ you must fill in the exact middle two cards.
Late Position Play Pre Flop
Up to five callers in front of you:
Raise: AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, 99, 88, AKs, KQs, QJs, AQs, KJs, AJs, ATs, A9s, A8s, AKo, KQo, AQo, AJo, ATo, A9o.
Call: 77, 66, 55, JTs, T9s, 98s, 87s, 76s, 65s, 54s, AXs, KXs, QJo, JTo, KJo, QTo, KTo
Fold: Everything else
A raise in front of you:
Raise: AA, KK, QQ, JJ, AKs ,AQs ,AKo ,AQo
Call: TT, 99, KQs, QJs, KJs, AJs
Fold: Everything else
Play the good hands. It will keep you out of trouble and if you play them agressively you will make money. Avoid trash hands and dominated hands. I'll give some examples:
Trash Hands:
Suited faces: KXs, QXs, JXs, etc., except where specically mentioned.
example; K3s, J6s
Two and three gaps: Q8, J7, etc., except where mentioned elsewhere.
Pseudo high cards: KX, QX, JX, TX
Random suited cards: 83s, T5s, etc.
Random cards: T3o, 82o, etc.
When playing online you can have a print out of the above hand rankings by your side. After awhile it will become second nature for you.
Lastly you must study the other players at the table and try and categorize their playing style. You will be playing only the good hands so you will have time to do this.
This player believes he can win with any two cards. He plays most every hand. Never raises. Just calls. In fact he can be described as a calling station. You want your table filled with calling stations.
Aq Play Now
Loose- aggressive
This player plays a lot of bad hands but bets like a maniac. He raises and re-raises. This player will loose his money in the long run but he can cause big fluxuations in your bank roll. He can be good for you if you have a good hand because he will do all the betting for you. A couple maniacs at the table makes for big pots.
He plays good hands. Nothing fancy. He gets a good hand and bets it. You won't make much money off this predictable player.
Hopefully this is you. You don't play many hands but when you do you take control. You raise with good hands and cause weaker players to make mistakes. With a lot of players in the pot you always have a strong hand and are in the running to be a winner. It is best if you are the only solid player at your table.
Aq Play
Knowledge of these three simple concepts, position, hand rank and opponents playing style, will make you a dangerous player in low level Texas Hold'em.